How it Works - Wheels to Shine | Ventura County Car Giveaway
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How does it work?

We have a beautifully rebuilt 2000 Volkswagen Golf that we will be giving away to someone who really needs it.


In the meantime, we’re inviting community members to nominate anyone in Ventura County who you know needs this car and deserves it. We’ve asked community members to come in and review the applications, to help us select a winner.


Of course, we wish we could give a car to every single person who needs one, but for now we have one that we’ve fixed up into beautiful condition, and we’re excited to see who will take it home.


Please submit all nominations by the end of April.

The Car
A 2000 Volkswagen Golf
Volkswagen Golf 2000 | Wheels to Shine Giveaway | Concours Motors 2017

We are a European Auto Repair Shop, so European and German makes are our specialty. Volkswagens are one of our most commonly serviced brands here in Ventura County, so it was easy for us to get this in Jetta excellent driving condition and ready to take great care of whoever drives it away.


Now we’re pulling together community members to nominate whoever they think might need the car. We’ve also asked different members of the community to step forward to read all of the applications and choose who will take home the Spring 2017 Wheels to Shine.

We Invite You To
Nominate Someone

If you know anyone who could really use a car right now and you think deserves one, nominate them to take home the Jetta!

Help Spread the Word

Here are several resources to help you spread the word about this opportunity. We appreciate every share.

Stay Updated

We’ll send out a handful of updates, including an invitation to come celebrate the recipient in April at Concours Motors!